Table of contents

  1. Overview
  2. Advanced Sight System
  3. Advanced Sight Component
  4. Advanced Sight Data
  5. Advanced Sight Target
  6. Advanced Sight Target Component


Advanced sight system is a single instance system that processes the data fetched from agents thanks to the assisting components. Using single instance system helps to ensure that system can store all relevant data locally and in an efficient, cache friednly manner. The user facing API is very user friendly and easy to understand, doesn’t require any direct interaction with the underlying system and is exposed to blueprints to enpower blueprint only projects.

The design of the system is based on many reference games that use some sort of sight and stealth systems. Here are some of them:

  • Legends of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
  • Legends of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
  • Deathloop
  • Deus Ex: Human Revolution
  • Dishonored 1 and 2
  • Many, many more…

Here is a high level graph explaining the flow of the system together with broadcasted events:

Advanced Sight Diagram

Advanced Sight System

This is a UTickableWorldSubsystem subclass. This means it’s created automatically by the engine, no explicit initialization is necessary. This class is mostly invisible to the end user since all communication with this class is available through UAdvancedSightComponent.

Because this class is executing majority of the logic, it has a performance trace marker inside meaning it’s very easy to inspect the actual performance of the system using i.e. Unreal Insights tool. The marker’s name is UAdvancedSightSystem::Tick.

Advanced Sight Component

This is an actor component that should be attached to an AAIController based classes. It’s used to communicate with the UAdvancedSightSystem class, has properties allowing user to define appropriate data, blueprint exposed functions and events.

Advanced Sight Data

This is a data asset class that is used to define sight data. It’s used by UAdvancedSightComponent.

Advanced Sight Target

This is an interface that must be implemented on any actor that should be perceivable by the owner of the advanced sight component. It requires user to implement a single function, GetVisibilityPointComponents which is then called by the advanced sight target component and cached.

Advanced Sight Target Component

This is an actor component that must be attached to an actor that should be perceivable by the owner of advanced sight component. There is nothing exposed to the end user by this component. It is used only to fetch visibility points and cache the result so the advanced sight system doesn’t need to call a blueprint implementable events during tick which costs a lot of time.