Reference page

This page is covering meaning of some commonly used terms in this system.

Gain Value

Represents current gain value which is calculated based on time the target is spotted and Gain Multiplier. Once Gain Value exceeds Gain Sight Duration, spotted target becomes perceived. If a Gain Multiplier = 2.0 and the Gain Sight Duration = 1.0, spotted target will become perceived after 0.5 seconds.

Gain Multiplier

Value defined for each sight info separately. This is used to multiply time the target is spotted to either speed up or slow down the “process of perceiving”.

Auto Success Distance

Decides whether a target should still be considered visible or not, even if there is no direct line of sight. This distance is measured from last known location to a target and current target’s location. This distance is visualized in a debug drawing for easy inspection and testing.

Lose Sight Cooldown

This value defines how long target that has been perceived is going to be remembered. Once a time after target is no longer perceived exceeds this value, the target becomes “forgotten”.