Table of contents

  1. Overview
  2. Benchmark Map
  3. Gym Map
    1. Labirynth Mini Game
    2. Static Testing Agent
  4. Sight Indicator Widget


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The plugin comes with some example content and two maps. The first map acts as a benchmark showcasing many agents and many target actors pushing the system to the limits. The second map is a gym map showcasing tiny labyrinth mini game as well as static agent with some props.

Benchmark Map

The full name of this map is LP_ASP_Benchmark. Once opened you will see 10 agents standing, 5 in each row facing each other. Once PIE (Play In Editor) is started, level blueprint will spawn 10 by 10 grid of total 100 target actors. All of the actors are inside the sight range meaning each of the actors is running over 100 queries per tick. This is a very extreme scenario that’s basically acting as a stress test to the system and helps develop the system ensuring that different features and fixes don’t cause massive performance drops.

Stress test map

Gym Map

Labirynth Mini Game

This example contains an agent using behavior tree to implement it’s behavior. This is a very simple example of a very common pattern where an agent is:

  • walking between patrolling points when no target is perceived
  • once a new target appears, the agent starts chasing the new target
  • once the target is no longer visible, the agent moves towards the last known location
  • once the target is forgotten, the agent goes back to the patrolling routine

To inspect the exact implementation of this behavior please see BT_ASP_NPC behavior tree asset.

The player character that comes with the plugin has crouching implemented and bound to CTRL key. This allow to hide behind low coveres.

Labirynth mini game

Static Testing Agent

This is a very simple setup that allows to easily test different scenarios. There are some walls and low covers placed which can be used to test the static agent losing sight etc.

This is a great place to play with debug visualization to better understand it. For details on debugging please visit Debug page.

This agent is bound to Force Forget All Targets function that is called when 1 keyboard key is pressed. This can be used for testing purposes.

Static agent gym

Sight Indicator Widget

The asset name is WBP_SightIndicator. This is a widget that is an example of how different sight states (spotted, perceived, lost) can be interpreted and presented to the player. Please feel free to inspect the widget blueprint graph to see how it laverages different advanced sight component events.

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